14 March 2010

Change is in the air!

Well, it has truly been an interesting couple of weeks since my last post.  Lots of changes going on!

We did manage to have our biometrics (fingerprints) done this past week.  Check that off the list.  So, we should receive our I-171 in the next month or so.

We also learned this week that Ethiopia has changed their requirements for adopting families.  We will now be required to travel to Ethiopia twice rather than once.  We will need to travel for the first time within a month or two of receiving/accepting a referral for a child.  The purpose of this first visit (roughly one week in length) will be to go before an Ethiopian judge to confirm our willingness to adopt our child.  The second visit to Ethiopia would be roughly 2-3 months later to actually bring our child back to the US.  There are various reasons for Ethiopia making this change.  Overall, we are very supportive of the change & are very excited to have the opportunity to see our child so quickly following referral which has not normally been the case unless a family did travel twice of their own will.  Additionally, our child would now be able to travel on an IR-3 visa (rather than the previous IR-4) which makes them a US citizen as soon as they land on US soil.  This does, however, add quite an additional financial amount but we're already doing this on faith so we have faith that God will provide ALL that we need!!!

So, we are praying for all families who are in the process of adopting, considering adoption, or those already home.  We hope you will pray over our family as well in the midst of all the crazy changes in our lives.  We love & appreciate you!

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